Found this article from Yugatech that PLDT, telecom that owns Smart, Talk and Text, and Red Mobile now acquires majority of the shares os Digitel, which owns Sun Cellular, lessening the competition that should be Smart vs Sun vs Globe to PLDT vs Globe, whoa! that is one big leap for PLDT! Having the third largest mobile network will leave Globe less than 1/3 of the mobile market! I do not know what is behind this merging they (PLDT and Digitel) will benefit on this deal. For PLDT of course they will acquire most of the market in mobile network, not only that did you know that Sun has bigger growth than Globe in the end of 2009, so having that fact PLDT will double its growth. For Sun Cellular, they will benefit from the cell sites of Smart all over the Philippines giving them stronger and wider signal all over the archipelago.
As for my opinion, Sun Cellular need not to be merged to PLDT since they have they're own growth in the mobile network market, giving their customer affordable unlimited calls and texts. Also, you may seem to belittle Sun Cellular as a secondary option but did you think being a secondary does not have a benefit, you might be wrong. I have friends that uses Globe or Smart and their secondary phone is Sun, if you closely think of it and do the math, on the mobile network market, Globe and Smart will both have 25% while Sun will have a whooping 50% share on the market. (If you are thinking where did I got my calculation that is just how I analyze the situation). I am not a Sun Cellular subscriber but I think it's a lost for them.